The Petoskey Film Series, which for years had provided free showings of movies at the Carnegie Building, is making a comeback starting in September!
“We are so thrilled to start up the Film Series after a long hiatus,” said Jodi Haven, Petoskey District Library Public Services Librarian. “The Library offers a variety of adult programming and the film series was always one of the most popular.”
Restarting the Film Series became a possibility when Bob Brill, executive director of the Little Traverse Civic Theater (LTCT), reached out to the Library to express an interest in the program. After several meetings, the Library and the LTCT had a plan in place and a schedule of movies lined up for the fall programming calendar.
Though the LTCT is a group that typically performs in the theater of the Crooked Tree Arts Center, Brill and his group are excited to be working in partnership with the Library on the Film Series.
“Cinema represents areas of performing arts that expand beyond the borders of the stage,” Brill said.
The program first began as the Petoskey Film Theater in the fall of 1992 as a memorial to Doug Smith and flourished for years with funding from the Crooked Tree Arts Center and North Central Michigan College. Eventually, the Petoskey Library took over the program and renamed it the Petoskey Film Series (PFS) with Craig Stutsky managing it for the Library. Stutsky continued to show movies at the Carnegie until the COVID pandemic caused PFS to be suspended.
The films chosen for the 2023 fall schedule are almost exclusively intended for an adult audience. Brill’s interest in being involved with the PFS was not only to show the films, but to also engage in discussion about them.
“This series is intended to highlight films that create dialogue,” Brill explained in reference to his choices for the movie line-up. Prior to the start of each film, Brill will talk about why it was chosen and following the movie, hopes the audience will stick around to share their thoughts with each other about it.
For the fall season, the series will take place every Wednesday with a start time of 7 p.m. There is no cost to attend, though donations will be accepted. Doors to the Carnegie will open at 6:30 p.m. with first-come seating. Those attending may bring their own snacks.
“Not a week has gone by without some reference to the movies starting back up again,” Haven said. “Now in partnership with the Little Traverse Civic Theater, the series is sure to continue to be a huge hit!”
The fall schedule of the Petoskey Film Series is as follows:
Sept. 13 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Sept. 20 - Dr. Strangelove
Sept. 27 - Seconds
Oct. 4 - 12 Monkeys
Oct. 11 - The Lobster
Oct. 18 - Harvey
Oct. 25 - A Clockwork Orange
Nov. 1 - The Nightmare Before Christmas
Nov. 8 - Idiocracy
Nov. 15 - Boogie Nights
Nov. 22 - Trainspotting
Nov. 29 - Chinatown
People are encouraged to review available information about each movie to determine whether the content and mature subject matter are acceptable to them personally before deciding to attend.